The best QM Solution for Social Services

  • Control documents according to standards
  • Simple process automation
  • Easy operation & secure access

The best QM Solution for Social Services

An excerpt of the institutions that are already successfully using roXtra


References SKM Cologne uses roXtra
References the Salvation Army uses roXtra
References Lebenshilfe uses roXtra
References Stormarner Werkstätten Bad Oldesloe Cologne uses roXtra
References Husumer Werkstätten uses roXtra
References SeniorenWohnen BRK uses roXtra
References Stiftung Diakoniewerk Kropp uses roXtra
References Group Norddeutsche Gesellschaft für Diakonie uses roXtra
References Vogtlandwerkstätten uses roXtra
References NOA uses roXtra
References AWO uses roXtra
References caritas uses roXtra
References Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund uses roXtra
References Theodor Fliedner Foundation uses roXtra
References Praunheimer Werkstätten uses roXtra

roXtra supports you with the following solutions:

The roXtra Documents module for standard-compliant document management

Document control

The roXtra Processes module for digitizing business processes

Process Management

The roXtra Actions module for controlling and monitoring actions

Action Management

The roXtra Risks module for digital risk monitoring

Risk management

The roXtra Audits module for planning and documenting audits

Audit management

roXtra software in the social sector

Where the focus is on working with people, there is usually little time for the efficient planning and execution of administrative or management tasks. Advancing digitalization is helping social institutions to optimize internal processes. This allows daily work to be carried out in a time- and cost-efficient manner, but also in a way that conserves resources. Transparent and optimized operational processes enable the requirements of patients and customers to be met with high quality and effective performance. The basis for this is the central provision of relevant information (documents, files & contracts as well as processes) in Quality Management (QM).

Nevertheless, the terms "quality management" and "social work" are seldom associated with each other and this despite the fact that it is enormously important that social institutions or companies (e.g. care facilities, refugee and youth assistance and counselling centres) build on a functioning quality management. The best possible social work, care and prevention can only be achieved if the internal processes work. The care or nursing staff can use the time gained from this for the necessary, humane care and support and at the same time contribute to a better quality of services.

The software solutions from roXtra support you in setting up, maintaining and further developing your Quality Management.

Thanks to the flexibility of roXtra, you can implement both, legal principles such as those of ISO 9001 or DIN EN 15224, as well as individual requirements (e.g. user-friendliness, corporate design, technical requirements). We configure the software according to your ideas, support you during implementation, user training and during the entire system operation.


The digital transformation is generating a great deal of expectation in social institutions. Through the advancing digitalization, daily work can be simplified and continuously improved across multiple locations (CIP). Due to the central and transparent access to all necessary information, the quality of internal processes changes fundamentally and sustainably.

The module roXtra Documents creates clarity about your internal processes, which have an influence on the satisfaction of your employees and thus also on the well-being and health of patients and customers.

The roXtra Documents module for standard-compliant document management

Digitalize and automate your internal processes with the module roXtra Processes. With the graphical modelling (BPMN 2.0) you have the possibility to map and run through rules, responsibilities, tasks and input fields for different processes and forms (e.g. recording an anamnesis, daily documentation etc.).

With the Flowchart-Designer you can visualize and create simple models - e.g. flowcharts, organigrams, mindmaps etc. - in no time at all. This makes processes in your organisation (e.g. creating care plans, carrying out evaluations, etc.) easy to understand for your employees - continuous improvement (CIP) is thus guaranteed.

The roXtra Processes module for digitizing business processes

With roXtra risks you can reduce the amount of work required for your cross-company risk management. Identify and manage potential risks centrally for an effective, qualitative risk analysis in your social institution. roXtra supports the current standards and regulations (e.g. ISO 15224, KonTraG, ISO 31000 or ONR 49001, ISO 9001 and ISO 27001).

Due to the advancing digitalization, social institutions are facing great challenges - the organizations have to react more and more agile to various situations, the competition is getting more and more intense and the resources are getting scarcer. At the same time, social institutions, such as care facilities, counselling centres, refugee aid etc., are exposed to countless risks. Effective risk management supports the avoidance, reduction, optimization and transfer of risks. In this way, you can prevent various dangers (e.g. shortage of skilled workers, incorrect occupancy, loss of financial resources, IT risks such as cyber attacks, etc.) and prevent them in the future.

The roXtra Risks module for digital risk monitoring

Audits are an essential part of your work as a quality manager and internal auditor?
You know that systematic audit management is your most powerful tool as an auditor?

Increase the effectiveness and quality of your own work with the roXtra Audits module. The software supports you in auditing management systems according to the specifications such as those of ISO 19011.

Thanks to roXtra Audits, you work with a system and access the questionnaire for conducting audits regardless of location, even offline. In this way, you increase internal efficiency and diligence when conducting audits. At the same time, your team and you gain an overview of the status of past, current or pre-planned audits.
Focus on identifying internal nonconformities and areas for improvement. Defined immediate, corrective and preventive actions are documented and started directly in the context of the audit. No matter whether DIN EN ISO 9001, ISO 13485, DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO 14001: roXtra helps you to meet the various requirements of current standards with flying colors in order to do a really good job.

The roXtra Audit module for planning and documenting audits

Our Quality Management software supports you in the daily operation of social institutions as well as during certification, re-certification and audit. With roXtra, the implementation of a multitude of regulatory requirements becomes a breeze.

  • Implementation of the DIN ISO 9000 series of standards - quality management standard
  • Including DIN EN ISO 9001 - Quality management systems
  • DIN EN ISO 31000 - Guidelines for risk management
  • or ONR 49000 / ONR 49001 - Austrian risk management standard
  • DIN EN 15224 - Quality management in health care and social services
  • KonTraG - Law on Control and Transparency in the Corporate Sector (Corporate Governance)
  • Section 91 (2) AktG - Establishment of a risk management system (RMS) for listed companies
  • MAAS-BGW - Management requirements of the BGW for occupational health and safety
  • Requirements of the Quality Management Guideline of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)
  • ISO 27001 - Information Security Management System (ISMS) / IT Security
Certification and standards at roXtra

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