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The roXtra Audits module for effective audit planning

Audit management with roXtra for your QM

roXtra Audit Management Software

Internal auditCustomer & Supplier AuditThird-party auditSystem auditProcess auditProduct audit
Internal auditCustomer & Supplier Audit

Successful audit management for your company

Plan and prepare audits efficiently.

With roXtra Audits you can plan a new audit in just a few clicks. The intuitive form mask supports you in storing all audit data relevant for you. Thanks to the individual setting options, the display of various information can be specifically configured according to the needs of your enterprise.

During the creation of a new audit, you also have the option of importing questions from a global question catalog, using an existing template from a completed audit, and storing new questions for the audit. Existing Excel lists with your audit questions can also be conveniently imported into the system. For an even more effective way of working thanks to AI integration, audit questions can now be generated automatically, among other things.

After you have compiled the questionnaire, determined the agenda of the audit and set the date, roXtra will automatically remind you to perform the audit.

Conduct audits conveniently on-site or online.

The preparation is followed by the actual execution of the audit. Thanks to the offline function, answering the question catalog can take place on your computer or tablet - even without an Internet connection. During the audit, the questions are answered directly one after the other without any intermediate steps. With the help of a key combination (F1), the question can be answered with a stored standard answer, such as "satisfactory". This way, you do not lose time for the essential audit assessments.

The comprehensible display enables a real-time overview of the status and evaluation of the individual questions. Necessary Actions for deviations and findings during the audit can be recorded directly in the audit mask and linked to the free roXtra action management tool. This effectively documents all steps for continuous improvement - without any media breaks. In addition, own notes, a summary of the findings, the audit participants as well as necessary attachments can be stored and thus documented as evidence.

Answering the questionnaire with the help of a tablet

Efficiently manage results, identify potential for improvement and derive Actions.

When performing an audit, non-conformities must be identified and recognized as potential for improvement. To do this, create an associated Action in the audit window. The responsible persons are notified of the new task. Throughout the entire audit process, you have an overview of all required actions and their implementation status. Even after the audit has been completed, roXtra reminds the persons involved to check the effectiveness of the agreed Actions. So nothing stands in the way of the next audit appointment!

Effective audit follow-up.

The findings of the audit carried out are evaluated and prepared transparently. In the process, you also maintain an overview of the status of the questions answered.

In the "Follow-up audit" step, you can define the audit result and store the associated audit report. In addition, you can record a summary with the relevant non-conformities, derive further actions, record your own notes or recommendations if required, and plan a follow-up audit.

Clear dashboard and automatic evaluations.

All audits and their status are displayed graphically in the clear dashboard. You can determine which categories should be displayed with which graphical filter (pie chart, bar chart, donut chart, Gantt chart, radar chart or bar chart). In addition, the practical calendar function provides a quick overview of upcoming audits. The audit list, which is also located in the dashboard, has many filter options. This allows you to keep track of all the data that is relevant to you. The audit list can be exported as an Excel, Word or PDF document. This allows you to quickly and easily provide the audit report to your management or your auditor.

Advantages of audit management with roXtra

Simple recording of planned actions

Easy recording of planned audits

Linkage with processes & risks

Linking actions, processes
& risks

Intuitive form fields in roXtra Action

Intuitive form fields

User-friendly action dashboard

Clear dashboard

Simple evaluation of actions

Simple evaluation of past audits

A wide range of evaluation options

A wide range of evaluation options

Automatic effectiveness test

Automatic effectiveness test

Automatic action reports

Clear audit reports & reports

Create, document & link sub-actions

Audits can be performed offline

User management in roXtra Action.

User management with intuitive role concept

Our references

Reference logo Wifi ViennaReference logo TI AutomotiveDoncaster's logoPharmacy Dr. Hysek LogoMaria Hilf Clinics Logo
Pharmacy Dr. Hysek LogoReference logo Wifi Vienna

Further information on the roXtra Audits module

Brochure for the roXtra Audits module

Brochure for the roXtra Audits module


roXgtra evaluation scheme

roXtra Evaluation Table


Flyer for the roXtra Processes module

Flyer for the roXtra Audits module


roXtra Evaluation Table

roXtra Evaluation Table


Check conformities - prepare audit report - derive Actions

Why roXtra audits?

The roXtra Audits software supports you throughout the entire audit process - from planning the inspection date and conducting it with the help of a question catalog defined by you to follow-up and evaluation of the results. In this way, optimization potentials can be uncovered in the long term and Actions can be taken . Whether DIN EN ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001, DIN EN 15224, etc. or other legal regulations such as the Supply Chain Act: roXtra helps you to comply with these standards and regulations.

Thanks to the clear user interface , you can keep an eye on all the important data relating to your audits. In the calendar view , for example, you can see directly when the next audit is due, or you can use the graphical filters to quickly and easily gain insights and, if necessary, initiate appropriate steps. The audit list , which is also integrated in the dashboard, can be customized according to your wishes and requirements and can be exported as a clear Word, PDF or Excel file.

Linking with other roXtra modules

Thanks to its modular structure, the roXtra integrated management system also helps you to efficiently implement the audit results obtained. So if there is potential for improvement, you can counteract immediate Risks by deriving appropriate Actions. In addition, you can directly optimize your Business Processes in the long term and Manage and Control all verification documents in the system.

What is audit management?

An audit is a control instrument designed to detect and eliminate internal non-conformities before they become externally effective. The primary goal of audit management is therefore continuous improvement by finding the causes of errors and deriving potential for improvement from them.

A distinction is made between internal and external audits. External audits are 2nd party audits and 3rd party audits, which include supplier and customer aud its for the former and certification audits by an independent organization for the latter. Internal audits, also called 1st party audits, are realized by employees of the own company in the form of a self-audit.

Product audits, which ensure compliance with the requirements of individual products, play a particularly important role in quality management. But system aud its to check the functionality of the entire management system and process audits to check the performance of processes are also among the various forms of audit.

Support during the entire audit process: planning, conducting, following up and evaluating audits

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